We offer a 360-degree service.

Full Property Management

Expert and reliable advice on the current market and achieving the highest possible rental return for your property.

Casual Leasing Agreements

If you'd prefer to self-manage, we'll help match you with the right tenant.


Flexible Meetings

Wherever you are or whenever you'll be, whether that is home, the office or at a cafe, we'll come to you with the paperwork! Pick a time and a place, we'll be there.


Key Chauffeur

We understand that our clients are time poor! Our personal Key Chauffer will pick up keys from you at a convenient time. Whether that be at home or in the office


We conduct regular inspections to ensure everything at your investment property appears as it should be and will report back to you following our visits

Property Maintenance

For all your property maintenance needs, plumbing or electrical, we will connect you with our team of reliable tradesmen.